Thursday, May 9, 2019

Kids grown up? How to interact with them now. Life Coach Jerusalem

Sunday afternoon at the Kotel, in Jerusalem

If your kids are grown up, and even as they are growing up the parents roles have to change.  Gone are the days that you can order the kid to do something. 
Now you have to persuade and explain why the task at hand is important and why you have asked for the "kid" to help you with the task. 

We have to change our viewpoint of our offspring and show them respect for the knowldege and the different viewpoint that they can bring to the conversation.  

It is difficult for sure to change our perceptions of our kids, after all we took care of them when they were babies, and then toddlers, and so on.  But the adult years last far longer than the childhood years that it behooves us as parents to build a good relationship with our adult kids. 

We need to find areas that we have still in common and build good experiences between us.  Maybe going out for coffee, or to the Mall.  See a movie together.  If there have been arguments in the past, don't talk about them again.  Leave the argument in the past. 

Give good experiences, not necessarily money.
It may take a long time, but it is worth it!  

Rachael Alice Orbach 
Life Coach Jerualem 

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