Sunday, May 26, 2019

Public Service - Prayer List, please pray for the Sick! Refuah Shelmah

AS we all know there are sick people all around us and we don't even pay that much attention. So this post will be a list of sick people that everyone can pray for. You can use which ever prayer to get Divine help,

This is from Chabad

This is from My Jewish Learning

Here is the the list for Refuah Shelma Mehara!

Sarah bat Sarah
Yona Michal Sheindel bat Rachel Elka
Zeev Shlomo Ben Rachel Elka
Yakov Eliezer ben Rachel Elka
Batsheva Geula ben Rachel Elka
Chaim Yehuda ben Rachel Elka
David ben Sarah
Hana bat Hulda
Yossi ben Mazel
Claudiomar ben Lourdes
אילנה לונה בת מימי סימי חיה"

Please send me more names and I will add them to this list so everyone can pray for the sick of Israel and the world.

Send to Submit names for Refuah Shelma

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