Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New On-line FREE MBA courses!

Did you ever have the dream to study for an MBA, but the university is too far away?  You are like me and already work more than 40 hours a week, and can't afford to cut down the hours?  You took Accounting so long in the past that it is a muddle in your mind?  Well I have got good news for you! 

Smartly is offering a FREE MBA program!  I saw it on Facebook and I was sceptial, but if it is free, not a problem! 
The application process is better if you can do it on a computer.  You need to imput your education and work experience.  Have a copy of your resume handy, you'll need to upload it at the end.  It is also helpful if you have your LINKED IN profile up to date as well.  

Then, after you are finished, you get to do some business fundamental courses.  I have done two already.  The first was very easy, for me it was a review of the accounting 1 and 2 that I did here in Israel as an Olah Hadash, but the second got into some more tricky stuff, I had to do the last lesson of 7 over again. 
No biggie. 

Oh, here is the link! Exercising that #Accounting muscle with @SmartlyHQ Accounting Fundamentals #SmartlyMBA
This is not an affliate link, just so you know. 

So, Good Luck on your new future and a fancy new MBA!

But not to disappoint you, Here are cute sunglasses for summer!

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Heart Shape Sunglasses only $5.24

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