Monday, April 13, 2015

Which Web e-mail to use? Comparision Shopping

I have been using both G-mail and Yahoo mail for over 10 years.  I feel qualified to give you my opinion about these two services.

Yahoo was one of the first to offer web-based mail, I joined in 2006. At the beginning it was wonderful to be able to access my e-mail anywhere, (at home or at the university where I was studying).  Yahoo has kept its promise that you can have as much space as you need, but if you dig further, it shows that each user has has a terabyte of space.  I'm not sure how you can measure that you are getting close to filling up your tera, but as I have over 50,000 e-mails I'm not getting any warnings from Yahoo yet. . .

Recently, within the past year, Yahoo has been putting large ads on the right hand side.  Sometimes it is Unicef with the traditional sob your heart out picture of a child with wide eyes, and they want you to donate.  It might be nice once in a while, but frankly, I'm bored with this and ignore it now.

It is also difficult to do a search on your Yahoo mail.  Maybe it is because I have so many in my inbox, but I really for the life of me can't go through each and every e-mail to delete.  I would like to search for a keyword, say "Last chance" and delete everything with this heading.  If I haven't looked at it since 2006, I'm not going to look at it now,   But each time I try, Yahoo has a breakdown and I just forget about it.

Google on the other hand, gives 15 gigabytes of free space, and they print this at the bottom of each page of your e-mail opening page.  It also gives you the percentage of space you have left.  If you do some digging, if you go over the 15 giga, then you have to pay $1.99 a month to keep your files.  This space includes your e-mails, your google documents.  I'm not sure about your calendar. (I use that quite a bit)  Well, I don't want to pay to store the 17.000 or so e-mails since 2009.  So actually it was pretty easy to search and delete by keyword.  It took me a month, and now I'm down to about 2000 emails.  I cleaned off my computer a while back sending all my important files to my Gmail account, this was before Google Drive was rolled out, so the 9.12 gigas that I have used, aren't the e-mails.  They are files, so my next project is to go through the files and delete those which are not important, or send them to Yahoo.

Gmail's ads are not as annoying as Yahoo's and I even click sometimes on them because they might be interesting for me.

Overall, in speed Gmail is faster, but you have to watch out how much space you are using.
Yahoo has almost unlimited space, but is slow and crashes often.  I prefer to use Gmail, and keep the junk e-mails down to a minimun.

Rachael Alice - Life Coach in Jerusalem

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