Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dvar Torah Parshat Bereshit

I know that this is not the right time of year, we just read the longest Sedra in the Torah, Naso, but we were studying Rav Dessler today, the end of book 2.  The main theme that has occupied mankind, and not only the Jews is the "fall of Adam." This is a Christian concept in my humble opinion.  People have been upset that Adam Harishon was given a Mitzvah, and he didn't follow it.  He went and ate from the Forbidden Fruit.  It's human nature isn't it?  If you work with kids or are a parent, you know that if you say to someone, don't touch that!  They certainly will touch it.  Have you ever read the "Curious George" books.  They are filled with examples of the curious monkey who gets in to lots of trouble each and every time.  Its human nature.  Why?

That is a great question.  Why are people like that?  They don't really understand that G-d is running the world.  Hashem pulls the strings and we as Jews are expected to rise above the human temptations.  We are given the Mitzvot.  The Mitzvot are given to us to use to elevate ourselves.  Just now an old man came to the door asking for Tzdaka.  I have a pouch that I fill with coins every day and when I give, I don't even look at how much I'm giving.  I just grab a few and give them.  I don't even look at the person, nor do I want to hear their story. I just give.  This is a hard Mitzvah for me. I work very hard and long hours.  Sometimes I'm busy from 8:30am until 7:00pm.  (like tomorrow, just send me SMS if you want to get a hold of me).  So for me to give money is difficult.
This is a Mitzvah, and G-d has give me the money to put to good use.  I support my family and I give.

But back to our question.  Why did Adam and Chava disobey Hashem?  Didn't they hear G-d himself give the command?  I think that the answer has to do with the lack of parenting.  Adam and Chava didn't have childhoods.  They were born and grew up the same day, went into Gan Eden and were given the Mitzah.  They didn't have parents to teach them values, and how to deal with disappointment and waiting for a reward.  They felt that everything falls like rain from Heaven.
Why did they act as they did?  Human nature. The Mitzvot help us to learn how to delay gratification and how to deal with the wants and needs of other people.

May the light of Hashem shine on you and help you to fulfill your mission in life.

At your service,
Rachael Alice
Business Coaching with your values in mind
0527500608 - SMS preferred.

Rachael Orbach Certified Master Business Success Coach- American Union of NLP Certified Master Life Coach - American University of NLP Certified Master NLP Practitioner - American University of NLP B.A.- UCLA Los Angeles Blog: Skype: rachaelalice_1 052-750-0608

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