Saturday, November 3, 2012

If you are feeling a bit down. . .

The holiday time is coming around the corner it seems.  Although we have warm weather here in Jerusalem, the cold weather has already hit the United States and Europe.  The East Coast of the US is picking up the pieces from Hurricane Sandy, and some people just fall between the cracks.

The best thing to do is to just talk to a friend.  Research has shown that Cognitive Talk Therapy can be as effective in helping people as drugs in certain situations.   But what if all your friends are too busy?   How can you find someone who will listen, not judge you and tell you what to do?

I have found a resource for the English Speaking public that you can call from anywhere in the world day or night.  The people who work on  this help line are trained in helping people like you who have problems, and this may help you get over that bump that has you stopped in your tracks. 

If you need just a short pick-me-up  then call, it is not expensive and it could make a difference for you.

Rachael Orbach Certified Master Life Coach - American University of NLP Certified Master NLP Practitioner - American University of NLP B.A.- UCLA Los Angeles Blog: Skype: life-coach-jerusalem 052-750-0608

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