Saturday, February 13, 2016

Exercise on a Shoestring - Life on a Shoestring

We all want to be in shape!  Especially with Purim and Pesach around the corner it is important to get in the habit now of not overeating, eating the right foods, and doing exercise.

This is very important for those who will be soon cleaning the house from top to bottom!

I have been looking for different workouts that don't take a lot of time.

So to help I bought a running trampoline :  This picture is not of me, (just for clarification)
So what kinds of exercise can you do with this type of trampoline?  I'm glad that you asked! 

The blog tells us how she runs and jumps on the trampoline, and it does feel good, Really! 

But I was looking for something with a bit more Umph, so I found this: \

I will be working this into my daily schedule, and the best thing is that one of these running trampolines are not that expensive, are movable, (well it does weigh a bit) and I could run at any time and not bother the neighbors, it doesn't use electricity! 

So, Get ready and start your short exercise routine, 15 minutes a day is all that it will take, 

OK?  ok. 

Life Coach Jerusalem: Rachael Alice 

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