Sunday, November 22, 2020

COVID 19-The Great Reset Jerusalem Business Blog Book Club

We can have a book club right on this blog. 

So the first book I suggest is this one:  COVID 19 - The Great Reset. 

I saw it on a Far Right newsletter and they had bad things to say about it, but I think that we should be informed and make our own decisions.  

I read the introduction and I have to add 

The main idea is that epidemics have changed the flow of history and the way that we live throughout the ages.  It even goes back to Ancient Rome, but I would even go further and say that the Pelponesian  war's outcome was changed by a plague that killed the defenders of Athens and let the Spartan win. This in change left Greece weak and easy pickings for Phillip of Macedonia to take over, which after he was assisnated by a body guard, Alexander took over starting his empire.   

(I teach history on-line  )

You can download the book from this link on Amazon, and we can discuss this in the comment section below.  

Happy Reading!!

Rachael Alice Orbach 

מכירה ענקית של בגדים בפנחס קהתי החל מהיום בתיאום מראש



שלום וברכה                     
מכירה במחסן בפנחס קהתי                     
22!!החל מהיום!!עד גמר המלאי                    
סריגים ב50 שקל                    

 שמלות סריג מהממות רק 50 שקל                

 שמלות שבת 100 שקל                

שמלות ערב                
יפיפיות 350                
 מבחר גדול.. כול המידות כולל מידות גדולות                

קרטיגנים 70 שקל,                

 מעילי פרווה רק ב100 שקל                 

בנדנות 30 שקל,כותנה 10 שקל מלא                
רק בתיאום להתקשר 02-6457699,             


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Free 90 day opportunity to go to Helsinki

 I fount this in Noah Kagen's newsletter, but I wanted to expand on it for you here on my blog.  

Check out the 90-Day Helsinki Relocation package

 and it really got me thinking.  Why not try it? 

Then I had to rethink, Are there Kosher stores, restaurants, shuls?  

What about rent in Helsinki?  

Well it might be actually doable, if you could get an apartment near the Chabad shul. 

This is a guide to Helsinki, if you buy the book through this link, I get a small commission. 

This is really good for us people who work from home on the Internet, because they don't help you to get a job, and you have to apply for a certian type of Visa which is best if you have a USPassport. 
(Which  I do) And I do work from home most of the time. 

They introduce you to all sorts of networking events and all the schools are taken care of also, Health care is also taken care of. They will help you if you want to stay after the 90 days are up to apply for citizenship.  

So If you can afford rent, and food,  and new warm clothes, (the dates are from Feb to April) Then I say go ahead and go for it!  

I'm still thinking seriously about it too.  
Also, most Finns speak English!!!  

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Music Games to play with Kindergarden Kids

I have had many different jobs, and one of the most rewarding lasted only a summer. 
I was the music counseler at a summer camp for disabled youth, "Shufat" that took place in Jerusalem a while ago.  

This blog post is for my friend Gayle who will be teaching Preschool Music at a Chabad School!  Good Luck!! 

These are the games that I played with the kids:   

1. Low and High notes.  Teaches the kids the difference between a low not and a high note.  

First I played low notes,  the kids need to "dance" low on the ground. 

Then I played high notes,  the kids need to jump up as high as they can. 

Then I played middle notes, the kids dance in the middle. 

Then I played a song and they had to dance according to the notes of the song. 

2. Freeze frame. 

I would play a song and then stop in the middle.  The kids would dance to the song and when I stopped playing they would freeze in the funny position they were in. 

3. Make shakers 
I gathered medicine bottles and small boxes.  We then took material and glue, and small rocks.  We filled the bottles about half full of rocks, then glued the tops on, and covered the sides with either paper or cloth.  The kids then had their own shakers.  
We used the shakers to keep beat. 

4. Using the shakers that we made, I taught the kids how to keep the beat and count to 4. (the most usual time signature).  I would then play a song and they would keep time with the shakers. 

5. Make up hand movements to songs.  Then teach the hand movements and as I played the song, the kids would do the hand movements.  

6. Teach the children to sing a scale.  In Israel we use Do Re Me,  but in America we use A B C 

Play a scale on the instrument, or a xylophone and have the children sing the notes in order. 
You can make large cards with the note names and then hold them up in order, and then after a while, change the order and the kids will sing the notes according to the cards. 

 All of these music games can be used with any children's songs. 

Have Fun with Music! 

Rachael Alice Orbach 
for private music lessons in Jerusalem contact:

New Mandolin for Sale! !מנגלוינה למכירה

Mandolin is a very beautiful sounding instrument.  It has a pair of strings tuned to G  D  A  E  similiar to the violin.  We use a pick to p...