Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hoshana Rabba - This great and Holy day is marred by recent events

This great and Holy Day of Hoshanna Rabba, the very last day to redeem yourself for the year has been marred by recent events in Israel.  We have so much to atone for.

Rabbi Atom Henkin, his wife Na'ama Henken were shot in their car in front of their 4 young children.

Nehemia Lavi and Aharon Bennett were stabbed on their way to Judaism's holiest site, the Kotel.

There are security measures being taken, to limit access to the Old City of Jerusalem to Arabs over the age of 50, but no limitation on women.

The terror groups accept responsibility for these brutal murders.  Yes, it is important for the actual murderers to be caught, but those who send and incite should really accept responsibility and be tried in a court of law.  Why not?  Incitement to murder is a crime too.

Other measures that could be taken:

Is there any reason that guns and long hunting knives be held by a violent population?  Why can't gun ownership by Arabs be forbidden?  Make them turn in their guns if they want to live in a peaceful country like Israel?

Yes it is difficult to check every bag and purse.  So, like in violent schools in Los Angeles, for a while the school officials required that all backpacks and purses be see-through plastic.  This was to make it easy for the security to see what a person is carrying.  So if the Arabs are going to be violent, so make them carry see-through plastic purses and backpacks.  Yes, it would be an imposition, but I would feel safer.

If they are violent and can't control their impulses, then treat them as such.

We as a whole need to atone for our sins, and the world has to stand with us, the people of Israel to rid ourselves of these murderers.  There is nothing honorable about stabbing and shooting.

The government of Israel has to decide once and for all that we will not tolerate any more bloodshed, for any reason.

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