Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why we usually don't lose weight very effectively

The human body is based on certain biological prinicples.  One is to make sure that the body has enough fuel to keep running. There has to be enough kilocalories (that is the scientific term for what we use as everyday calories) for the brain, heart and other vital organs to function.  Most of this fuel comes from the everyday food that we eat.  If we eat too much food, it is stored in various places in the body as fat. When there is not enough food coming in, then the body uses this fat instead for fuel. 

One major obstacle that many people face when trying to lose weight is that either they stop eating the right kinds of food.  The body does need certain kinds of "fat" to keep running, and this may not be what the body has stored up.  Also where the fat is stored may not be exactly where the body needs to use the energy.  

So many times when the body is not getting enough food, it goes into "starvation mode."  This means that the body is programmed by evolution to conserve the use of calories to the greatest extent.  This was very good in the past when the food supply fluctuated greatly thoughout the year.  The people who could survive the "lean times" were more likely to live longer and have more children. 

We are a product of this ancient system, and that is why it is difficult to lose weight when we want to. Our bodies are not programmed to lose weight, on the contrary, we are programed to keep to the same everyday weight more or less year round. 

So what can we do to lose weight?  This is a problem that millions of people all over the world stuggle with.  One way is to eat less.  This is good, but we also have to look at each food we put into our mouths and see if it has health benefits.  Choose the healthier food instead of the sugary food.  
We all agree that cakes and cookies are empty calories, so eat them sparingly.  There are many diets that are availabe, And you can go to a dietician to get a food list that is tailored to your needs. 
I have done this, but it was for a minor health problem, not for losing weight. 

So taking all this into account, how can we lose weight?  We well have to upset the equalibrium.  You need to eat less food, or to use your body more.  That is why many people start to go to a gym. They are using up more calories and if they also decrease the intake of extra calories, they will lose weight in the long run.  Losing weight will not happen overnight, and it takes dedication to have the right diet and to do more movement of the right body parts and you will lose weight. 

Going to a life coach can help you to keep up the motivation to eat right and keep going to the gym to do your exercise program.  

I will help you to keep up with your goals and to help you to keep up your willpower to enjoy your successes.  Yes there will be backsliding but if you have help in motivation you will stay on track. 

Life Coaching  and NLP can help you to meet your goals. 

Rachael Alice 
Certified Master Business Success Coach - American Union of NLP 
Certified Master Life Coach -  American University NLP
Certified Master NLP Practitioner -  American University of NLP 

Skype rachaelalice_1

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