Monday, May 5, 2014

Israel's new High Holidays? Army Duty for All?

हिन्दी गौरव इसराइल  Hindi Gaurav -Israel

Charedi are afraid of women soldiers like these praying  at the Kotel?
By Rachael Alice Orbach
Many Israelis are excited about today, Israel's Memorial Day, for fallen soldiers, and terror victims.  There are many people who take off from work, and go to the cemeteries.  Tonight will segue into Israel's Independence Day, with fireworks and music celebrations.  On Independence Day itself, a bank holiday, people will go to BBQ's, swim, go to museums and generally have fun.

The secular community looks forward to these two days, the Dati-Leumi also celebrates Independence Day as the "beginning of the coming of the Mashiach" by saying Hallel, special Psalms that signify a holiday, during both the evening  and morning prayers.

The latter view is scorned by the Charedi community that doesn't see the miracles in the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel.  They stay home, and the boys go to "heder" as usual.   Their view is that you don't interrupt Torah Study except for the holidays that were decreed by the Sages of the Talmud.   Women have definite roles to play and being in the Army is not one of them for either men or women.

This view extends into the debate about Army duty.  The traditional view is that Yeshiva students, men who learn full time in a Yeshiva shouldn't have to go into the Army. for any amount of time.

In  secular Israeli society, Army duty in of itself is a sacred duty.  Each 18 year old is summoned to the Army to be medically and psychologically checked to see if he is suited to do Army duty. 18 year old women can go into the Army, or they can do National Service.

The best of the best get to be in combat units, and those with a lower profile do other non-combat tasks.  Both men and women are welcomed into the Army, but they serve in different units.

The Chariedi don't want to send their sons at all, and their daughters usually don't do National Service either.  The girls get married at a young age and start their new families at once.

But it doesn't have to be this way.  Army duty can be a place where the different sectors of Israeli society can learn tolerance of each other.   The Dati-Leumi have a system that they combine Army Duty with Yeshiva study.  I have long maintained that the Charedi could do this as well. And it has happened:  a chareidi hesder yeshiva, called Derech Chaim, has approval from the Army and is in operations with a small class of 16 students.For an  in-depth interview go here:an-interview-with-rabbi-karmi-gross

What tasks could the Charedi soldiers do?  They could lead the prayer services every morning and on Shabbat, they could be in charge of all the food that is served by being the cooks and be the kashruth supervisors.  They could serve in other support functions. They would be in their own units without women soldiers, in any function around them.  

All sectors of the population of the State of Israel should contribute to the state.  If the Arab citizens do not want to serve in the Army, they could do National Service in the communities, help in hospitals, schools and provide a positive role model of a citizen.  

In this 'holiday' season, we need to re-think the issues of Army duty and the obligation of citizens to serve the country.  

Rachael Alice Orbach

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