Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to keep the social workers out of your life.

This is a very important post that you should take to heart.  If you already in the clutches of the social workers, then contact me and we will work together to get them out of your hair.   This happened to a client of mine, and I am writing the full information so that will not happen to you.

But now for the meat and potatoes.

First, no matter how old your children are, you have to train them to put up a barrier between the school environment and what goes on at home.  It is not the teachers business what your relationship is with your children, except that everything is fine thank you very much.  Children should talk to the teacher about school subjects, what hobbies they do, or chugim, but that's it.  Personal information and personal problems must be discussed only with the parents.  Then afterwards, you won't have any problems.

Why is this important?  Well, if the child does say things about the parents, and it is questionable, the teacher could and probably will take it the wrong way.  The social workers target children who are weak, and maybe can't express themselves in Hebrew correctly,  They take things the wrong way.

This sets up a chain reaction that goes like this:  The teacher hears something from the child that might be taken two ways, and instead of making sure what the child means, they immediately call the social workers.  This could be about how the child doesn't like the father, or mother, or a little lack of tzniut at home, or saying something in Hebrew that in English is not considered bad, but in Hebrew it turns ugly.

 The social workers write a letter to the police.  The police then wait a while, and send a Child Investigator to the school.  This person interrogates the child a few times, and then recommends that the police go to and arrest the parent.  All this is without even the parent knowing what is going on, or what the charges are. The child investigator can waltz into the school, apparently without ID or even giving their last name, interrogate, video the child all without the knowledge of the parents.  The child investigator recommends that that the parent be interrogated. The parent is taken to jail, and interrogated about the situation without being told what the situation is.  The parent cannot talk to the school, or to the other parent, or to the child to find out what happened.  The other parent is also summoned under threat of arrest to undergo interrogation.  Also not a word is said about the  original situation.  The one who is in jail, cannot sleep, and usually there are bank robbers, and murderers in the same cell.  The police treat the parent like a criminal for 6 days.  The police confiscate phone, coats all ID and money. Most of the time the parent doesn't get some things back, and is told, "so what?"

After the week of intense scrutiny, they let the parent go, with a Tzav Hirkacha - a restraining order not to go home for a certain amount of time.  This cost the family a lot of money because now they have to rent a short time rental for the parent.  After the family is back together, they are summoned to the social worker who started the whole rigamarole.

What should have happened, is the social worker should have make a phone call to the parents, and had them come in at the beginning to sort out the problem.  The police should not be involved.  If there really had been child abuse, then the social worker can take care of it after speaking to parents.  There are many other ways to handle the problem. Sending the child to a psychologist, sending the parents for help, but not using brute force and forcing the parents to undergo this type of situation.   The whole situation between the police and the parents cannot happen again.

Now the whole school of the child is talking about the situation, all the teachers think that there has been child abuse, when it all was a problem of translation between Hebrew and English. The child now hates the teachers and everyone at the school and doesn't even want go to school for fear of something else being taken the wrong way.  Even the parents don't have faith with the teachers and administration of the school.  Why go there and talk to them when they put the family under such stress?

Why did this all happen?  Because the child didn't keep the proper boundaries between school situations and home situations.  If there is really something wrong it will come out when the social worker meets the parents.

So train your children not to talk about the home at school.  It is not their business.

Rachael Alice
0527500608 - Keep the social workers far away! 

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