Monday, April 15, 2013

How to increase your e-mail marketing reach

Do you think that every business needs to have a website?
It adds credibility, and a place for people to see what you are offering without having to go to your physical location.  You also have to find places to promote your website so that it can help you in your business.

Many people feel that you have to have an advertisement in the newspaper.  This becomes an expense. You pay for the ad, and hope that people will see it. You rely upon the newspaper distribution and that the ad will be seen and acted upon.  Many times I see these "advertisement magazines" just a stack of them near the trash.  Does this help the advertiser?  No.  These magazines will not get picked up or read.  It is just a waste of paper, time and energy of all concerned.

The same problem can happen with a website. One year I bought a domain name.  Actually I bought two.  The first one, I misspelled the title, and I had to buy another one correctly spelled.  This was embarrassing to say the least.  I put up a very nice website, but there were no hits.  I couldn't understand why.  I mean, the correctly spelled domain name.  I built the site, but no one came.:(

Why weren't people going to the website? Well, one way to get people to go to your website is to set up e-mail marketing.  That is why I started my Yahoogroups e-mail lists.  I also started this blog, people sign up for my e-mail lists, post what they want, and I put up what I want too.  Other that it takes lots of time to moderate the lists, there are some things that are not appropriate for Jerusalem households to see, it is a win-win situation.

Today I found a free e-book that you can use for free to help you in your e-mail marketing.  I am going to take tip #23 myself and use it to promote my blogs.  They give you links that are live and useful for you to get your e-mail list up and running.

57 E-mail marketing Tips

If the site asks for money, don't sign up right away, but check out other sites that might be for free.  If you can't find something else that will deliver what the paid site does, then go ahead.  I almost always find a free site that will fit my needs.

Good luck with your E-mail marketing!

Rachael Alice
Certified Business Coach
!st consultation in person or on Skype is Free!
rachaelalice_1 - Skype name

1 comment:

  1. when having a business its very important that sooner or later you need to improve it so that many costumer's would keep on coming back..

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