Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why you should learn how to touch type!

I remember many years ago, when I was in High School, University Sr. High in Los Angeles, I had to take a summer school course.  I was in a quandary about what I wanted to do for a living.  I had thought about being a doctor, but my grades were always a solid "B," and in those days, maybe even now you needed to be a straight A student to even think about medical school.

I liked music, but who could really make a living as a musician?  I do teach music, and it is very fun, but that is not what the guidance counselor would call a high calling.

Like most kids with a big family, before the Internet, I asked my Great Uncle Henry Pittler what to do.  He was very experienced and knew a lot.  He told me to take typing.  Before the Internet, typing was considered a skill for blue collar workers.  If you were a good typist, you could be a secretary.  I defiantly didn't want to do that!  I was against the idea!

But it was either typing or remedial math.  So I took the typing class.  It was given by Mr. Triggs the History teacher.  It was not the most exciting six weeks.  We had the newest typwriters, IBM Selectrics that you could backspace to erase with a white out ribbon. You didn't have to paint on the white out and wait for it to dry! It was a miracle!   But if there were too many mistakes, then Mr. Triggs had us do the whole page over again.  That was before computers were commonplace.

Actually I did have a part-time job over the following summers as a secretary, but the skill  mostly now I use is the typing, every day.  I am an English teacher, and I write new lesson plans, I don't have to think about where the keys are, my fingers just "know" where to go and what to do to get out what is most important, my ideas.

So now, you don't have to suffer a manual typewriter where all the keys get balled up together when you type too fast, you don't have to worry about White Out not completely drying and then if you type on wet White out, the key types white, and then you have to back up and do it over again.  We have fast keyboards attached to our computers, that the keyboard itself doesn't cause problems.  

Learning how to type opens up a whole new world of not having to focus on where the letters are.  I couldn't really find a good book or program that really practiced all the letter positions, so I am writing a book.  

If you take my typing class, you get a copy of the book free.  The cost of twice a week class for 4 weeks is 800NIS. If you sign up for the whole course at one time, then you get a 10% discount.

Call Rachael Alice
 And start touch typing!

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