Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Do Schools kill creativity?

This video brings up the question about education and creativity.  In history, public education was founded to service the Industrialists.

Big companies needed workers who were good in Math, and Languages.  The Arts and Music were not needed for industry, they mostly got in the way.  In the modern world, on the other hand, who do we idolize?  We hold up the great artists, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, and the musicians, Beethoven, Mozart, Shoenberg and the modern Rock and Roll, The Doors, Justin Bieber to name a few.

What kid doesn't think about playing the guitar and being on YouTube?  YouTube is the claim to fame. You might not make any money, but people will know your name if you have 50 YouTube videos.

We need to rethink our vision of education, and also fulfill the needs of the musicians and artists.  What actual skills will we need for the future.  Sir Ken Robinson says we can't see what the next five years will bring.  I say, "Let's ask the children what they think, they are going to be the ones who will shape it, so they will figure it out!"

This video is about 18 minutes long, but if you don't have time to watch, there is also a transcript.  But, the spoken word is sometimes more inspiring than the written, so I urge you to take the time to watch. 

What is your potential?  How can you nurture yourself to be a whole person?  I need music, and handicrafts in my life, what about you?

Till next time,

Rachael Orbach Certified Master Life Coach - American University of NLP Certified Master NLP Practitioner - American University of NLP B.A.- UCLA Los Angeles Blog: Skype: life-coach-jerusalem 052-750-0608

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