Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Rotten Deal - Hamas Promised More Kidnappings!

A Rotten Deal - Hamas Promised More Kidnappings!

Hamas has portrayed the Shalit prisoner exchange as a victory, and has openly vowed to kidnap more Israelis in order to free more prisoners. Among those who will be released are terrorists who have committed murder. Deputy Prime Minister Moshe (Bogie) Yaalonslammed the decision, saying "Our experience has made clear to us the terrorists we are releasing today will murder tens and perhaps hundreds of Israelis tomorrow." Hamas did not agree to an Israeli request to abandon a policy of future IDF kidnappings as part of the prisoner-swap agreement with Israel.

Abu Obaida, spokesman for the armed wing of Hamas, Izzadin Kassam said that Schalit, who is set to be released as part of a prisoner exchange deal, "will not be the last solider kidnapped Hamas is also expecting the naval blockade of Gaza to lighten following the conclusion of the exchange. A Hamas official in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan, told Al Hayat that Israel was obligated to refrain from targeting any of the Palestinian prisoners as a part of the agreement.

Expansive Freedom Deal or Another Blackmail Cruelty

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu asked government to endorse deal with Hamas for bringing Gilad Shalit home within days although the price agreed is heavy: 1,027 jailed Palestinian terrorists, including 60 convicted for multiple murders.

Murder of More than 100 Jews on Release List

Among the murderers that will be released is Hussam Badran, former commander of Hamas in Samaria. He was responsible for massacres at the Tel Aviv Dolphinarium, Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem, Matza Restaurant in Haifa and the Park Hotel in Netanya. Badran has as much Jewish blood on his hands as some of the Nazi criminals who were put on trial after the Holocaust.

Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak

There are many genuine people around the world, who are still suffering from occupation by others: Kurds, Armenians, Tibetans, Chechens, Western Saharans, and Basques. So-called Palestinians, recently forged mix of people, are not one of them! In fact, they are true occupiers of Jewish land!

Wake up Europe - Israel is not an Enemy!

At least 200 potential terrorists are actively planning suicide attacks while living freely in Britain, British intelligence chiefs have warned ministers. The figures are contained within a secret government report on the "enduring terrorist threat" facing Britain from al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations.

Egypt Defies Sinai Peace Terms

Cairo took two steps inimical to Israel . Egyptian Air Force Chief Gen. Reda Hafiz said to the official MENA news agency: "Sinai is our land and we do not need permission to increase our forces on our land" in direct contravention of the 1979 peace treaty signed with Israel which demilitarized Sinai by common consent. Furthermore, without waiting for Hamas to open the prison doors for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit after five years of captivity in the Gaza Strip, Cairo let his captors cash in on the prisoner exchange deal by providing the first Damascus-based Hamas leaders with a home in Cairo. (Islamic Brotherhood is taking over in Egypt and intending to violate 1979 agreement! Israel must be ready to take control of the Sinai and implement the Sinai Option!)

70 Years since Babi Yar Massacre - Nothing has Changed!

In the two-day killing spree in September 1941, Nazi troops gunned down more than 33,000 Jews and buried them in mounds of dirt at theBabi Yar ravine outside KievUkraine - then part of the Soviet Union .(This and other acts of genocide against Jews were only possible due to eager cooperation of local population - be it Ukrainians, Polacks, Lithuanians... - with Nazi occupiers. Now the international anti-Semites cooperate on the state level, like they were before WW2, with Islamic enemies of Israel!)

Colombia Rebuffed Abbas

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos rebuffed Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas who had travelled to Bogotá to secure support of his unilateral statehood bid at the United Nations.Colombia is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, where Abbas needs at least nine votes out of 15 - including positive recommendations from all five permanent members.

'Ugly Nazi' at Its Best

The UN human rights office called for Israel to stop Jewish settlers from attacking Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, accusing the army of failing to restrain settlers while being quick to use force against Palestinians. Israeli diplomats expressed surprise at the statement, saying it was released without warning and made no mention of violence directed at settlers. (How many calls has this Israel-hating organisation issued in the past and so promptly to stop Arab terror attacks against Jews?)

No International Outcry Against Arabs' Terror

A Molotov cocktail was thrown at a synagogue in Jaffa during protest by Arabs. The projectile struck the roof of the Rabbi Meir synagogue in the city.

Arabs Scrawl "Death to Jews" on Tzfat Synagogues

Arabs, scrawled "death to Jews" on four synagogues in Tzfat (Safed), the latest desecration of holy sites that has plagued Israel in recent weeks. Tzfat's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu expected Muslim clerics to denounce the desecration and hate messages, but no condemnation has been issued as of yet. (No instant international condemnation and there are no even news reports!)

Quote of the Week:

"Egypt is not going toward democracy but toward Islamisation. It is the same in Turkey and in Gaza. It is just like what happened in Iran in 1979." - Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Cairo

Once We Were Giants

by Gavriel Queenann

For me, Israelis were modern day Davids running rough-shod over the Philistine hordes. It wasn't just romanticism. It was fact. I was a year old when Israel sent the Arab invaders packing during the Yom Kippur War...

I was four when Israel carried out the stunningly audacious Operation Thunderbolt and rescued the 95 hostages at Entebbe. I wasn't yet 9 when an intrepid Israeli pilot riding his chariot through the sky took outIraq's Osirik reactor. The world condemned the strike, but privately breathed a sigh of relief. Israel had established a paradigm where it wielded frightful deterrence.

Every kid I grew up with knew the morally constant rule: don't mess with the Israelis. That kind of deterrence had more than the mere real political force of military success behind it. It was driven by a sense of purpose and identity held dear by a nation that had risen miraculously from the ashes and resurrected a waking reality from a dream it had dreamt for eighteen centuries.

It was the moral force of a people who had pride in who they were and what they - through their Torah and traditions - stood for. Israelis were a proud people unafraid to demand their rights and to declare their worth - not the least of which was the high price of Jewish blood.

But at some point the force behind Israel's deterrence was lost. In the scandalous words of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Israelis grew "tired of winning." What was so chilling was that Olmert, who was only speaking for a certain group, who is only representative of a trend of ennui that has struck deep among Israel's so-called power elite, didn't ken what he himself had told the world.

For Israel, winning isn't simply about success on the battle field against foes, who would not only drive us out, but slay us to a man. Its about the Jewish dream, and our sense of identity, purpose, and worth. Its about being sovereign and secure so that we may build a G-dly society and be a light unto nations...

And the Arabs know it. Releasing 1,000 terrorists, many with Jewish blood on their hands, to free one soldier whose duty was to go into harms way to protect his people is flatly unacceptable...

It sends the clear message to the terrorists we're no longer giants - that our children are theirs to kidnap and kill, and that our blood comes cheap. "People make peace with the strong. They don't make peace with the weak. They push the weak aside," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said before Rosh Hashannah.

The deal reportedly brokered for Gilad Shalit's release is a sign of weakness stemming from moral bankruptcy - and an invitation to genocide.

I feel deeply for Gilad Shalit. He has suffered and lost years in the service of his nation. I see his parents and weep for them. But his suffering, and theirs, does not justify actions that will lead to more families suffering as they have, or worse, the deaths of the countrymen Gilad was honour bound to protect...

It's time for Israelis remember how to be giants.


Dear Friends, the aim of this independent editorial is to present the Jewish point of view on the Arab-Israel conflict and motivate people to support ideals and inspirations of true Zionism, the Jewish National independence movement. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by any government or political party.

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Rachael Orbach 
Certified Life Coach - from the American University NLP
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