Friday, September 9, 2011

Dvar Torah - Parshat Ki Teitzei

Dvar Torah - Parshat Ki Teitzei

Ki Teitzei very much complements the Torah portion ‘Kedoshim
’ featured in the book of Vayikra (Leviticus), which is packed with mitzvot.
One of the mitzvahs in this week’s Torah reading is the mitzvah to help a
 Jew Load and Unload a burden, for example, if while on a road one Jew
 sees another that is attempting to load a burden onto an animal or on to
 another individuals shoulder, he is commanded to help, however
 he may ask for pay.
If for instance, he sees a fellow Jew who is unloading his animal and there
 is no other individual to assist, he must help without pay. The Torah teaches
 us to act mercifully towards our fellow men. As a reward G-d will act merciful
on us. In the case where one encounters 2 Jews, one of them loading an animal
 and the other one unloading the animal, it will be a bigger mitzvah to help with the
 unloading first in order to relieve the animal of its burden, however interestingly
 enough there is an exception, if an individual dislikes the Jew who is loading the
 animal, he is obligated to help that man in order to eliminate his hatred in his heart
and he may actually come to like his fellow man. In life, if one feels a dislike for
 another, they should try to curb that hatred out of themselves and do something
 good for that person, in turn, getting to like the person.
The parshah actually starts of relating that if a Jewish soldier fighting in the army
 sees an attractive female captive, and desires her, he can marry and convert her,
 on condition that she would shave her hair, grow her fingernails and he would see
 her through a one month period of grieving, this procedure is required as the Torah
 doesn’t want people to marry on the basis of lust, they want a couple to properly feel
 for each other, not just on outside appearances but also how they feel inside, within
 the personality.
The Parshah then continues relating that a first born son is entitled to a
 double inheritance.
Immediately after this information, the Torah relates information describing a
 ‘wayward son,’ a man aged between 13 and 13 ¼ years old, who would steal
 from his father and use the money on wine and meat, if a boy was capable of
doing this and many other factors were satisfied he could be taken to the Beit Din
 (Jewish court) and be punished as the punishment would be a long term
 atonement and also if he has this behavior at this age, he could be guaranteed
to turn out wicked.
Other mitzvahs which are included in this weeks parsha, is the mitzvah to send
 away the Mother Bird away Before Taking the Fledglings, The reward for this
 mitzvah is a long life.
The Parshah then describes some of the forbidden marriages in the Torah,
 including that Jews are not allowed to marry any male Moabites or Ammonites,
 reasons for this is because they failed to greet the Jews with bread and water
 when they left Egypt and as we learned in parshat Balak, they hired Bilam, to
 curse the Jewish nation.
The Mitzvah to Fence in a roof or Pit and to remove Dangerous objects from ones
 building, is related, this would prevent many potential careless accident from taking place.
The mitzvah of not sowing species other than grapes in a vineyard is related.
The Torah then relates the mitzvah of the Levirate marriage (Yibum), if a husband
dies without having any children, his wife could marry the deceased’s brother
, and bear children, which would be in merit of the deceased husband.
The Parshah then mentions the mitzvah to have a holy Jewish army, to give
 harvest gifts to the poor and also another mitzvah is to remind ourselves how
 G- d punished Miriam as a deterrent against speaking Lashon Hara (Slander).
Lashon Hara is said to be as bad or if not even worst than the 3 cardinal sins
 together and there is a concept that an individual that speaks words of slander
about another individual, the victim of the slander will be credited with any of the
 Mitzvot the slanderer previously had!
The Parshah concludes with the mitzvah to remember the evil which Amalek
 perpetrated on the Jews and how they tried to wipe them out. We learned about
 this in parshat Beshalach, after the period of the splitting of the sea, all nations
 feared Hashem, except for Amalek, as they attacked the Jews from behind,
murdering many Jews. Nearly 1000 years after this incident, another Amalekite
tried to wipe out all the Jews, Haman, as we learn in the Purim story.
The Haftorah for this weeks reading comes from Chapter 54 in the book of Isaiah,
 it is the fifth in a series of seven ‘Haftorat of consolation.’
This Dvar Torah is dedicated to the memory of Nauriel Ben Chaim.

DISCLAIMER- The information above in the Dvar Torah and on the
 website is placed sometimes from third parties listers with our best knowledge
and errors can not be helped.
Also the information on the Dvar Torah (Weekly Torah portion) which has been
 sent out or is on the website, is relevant to ideas from the Torah which has been
 talked about or related by other Torah commentaries in the past. We take no
 responsibility if any Dvar Torah is not to one's liking.
©2011 Torah Vort | L172AX

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