Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mitzvah: Help a Chatan and Kallah

Chessed Ve'Emet ( are an 
organisation devoted to acts
of goodness and kindness. Our biggest project - 
Bayit Chadash - is all about
assiting Chatanim and Kallot to be able to come 
to Chuppa and be blessed with a
happy wedding and the start to a happy home together.

We are currently aiding a special couple in need of
assistance. They'll be
marrying in just a few weeks. We'd like to ask you
to take part in making their
wedding a beautiful one. Donations of money are
always welcome. We also accept
all brand new items that any new couple marrying 
will appreciate and need �
including linen, towels, kitchenware, Sifrei Kodesh 
(holy books) etc. If you own
an appliance or furniture company or know someone
who does and would be excited
to a part of this project in making a donation of
a fridge, stove, beds etc. Rav
Eliyahu would be delighted to be in touch with you.
Free advertising � via our
website - will be given to those companies assisting
in this way (naturally!)

Are you ready to be a part of making the difference
in the life of two special
people � as they begin the process of fulfilling 
the most foundational Mitzvah
of the entire Torah? See and
click on the link leading to a synopsis of the story 
of the families in need.

Tizku LeMitzvot!

Rabbi Eliyahu Shear

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