Sunday, July 17, 2022

Say Thank You and See Miracles by Rabbi Shalom Arush Book Review

 I picked up this book with some reservations because in this day and age, we don't really see miracles. I am the sort of person who feels that we can get ahead through hard work. 

Rabbi Arush has written many books: Two marriage manuels, one for men, The Garden of Peace, and for women, Women's Wisdom.  I read the women's book, and it was a bit difficult for me to impliment all the advice. 

The advice in this book: Say Thank You and See Miracles, is a bit easier and is more fun. 

The book consits of many stories of real people who had great difficulties and when they took the time to say "Thank You" to God for a half and hour a day or more, then their difficulties were diminished or even went away. 

I can't say that I really have the patience to say only the words:" Thank You"for a half an hour a day! 

But maybe I can write for myself :Here my thank you statements. 

I suggest that you read this book, buy, or borrow it from someone.  My copy has already broken the back, so I wouldn't lend it out. But it is cheap enough to buy.  

Here is the English site, you can even watch videos for free of the and there is a store with all the books for sale and some jewelry.  I bought a book and a necklace, but they haven't arrived yet. 

Here is my list of Thank You's: If you find my list helpful then please say them too. I feel that I am more comfortable in my native language, English, but you can say this in any language.  If you wish, you can print out this list and put it in your prayerbook.   You can add more and make the list more personal to you.  Feel free to comment below and share to your friends if this will help them too. 

Thank You Lord of the World for waking me up to a new day. 
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me breath 
Thank You Lord of the World for all the parts of my body that are working perfectly. 
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me food and resources 
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me coffee to drink
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me vitamins and medicines to help with my health
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me clothing to wear
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me shoes for my feet 
Thank You Lord of the World for shelter, I live in a home 
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me the home I have in my city, (Jerusalem- put your city)
Thank You Lord of the World for giving me jewelry to make me feel better. 
Thank You Lord of the World for my bank account 
Thank You Lord of the World for my job 
Thank You Lord of the World for my computer so I can work at my online job 
Thank You Lord of the World for all the furniture in my home. 
Thank You Lord of the World for the air conditioner to make the home comfortable in the summer and winter. 
Thank You Lord of the World for all the supplies I need to do my job, the computer, books, writing supplies, pens, paper. 
Thank You Lord of the World for my children 
Thank You Lord of the World for thewisdom to do my job 
Thank You Lord of the World for the knowledge to type not looking at the keys. 
Thank You Lord of the World for teaching me Torah through the teachers you have provided me. 
Thank You Lord of the World for all the books that I have in my home to study and read for pleasure. 
Thank You Lord of the World for my phone that I can do my job if the computer won't work. 
Thank You Lord of the World for the small sicknesses such as a cough or a runny nose that are signals that I need to take better care of myself. 

Here are more prayers that Rabbi Arush wrote that are also very good, and might help for personal prayer. 

For more information about me go here: 

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