Sunday, November 22, 2020

COVID 19-The Great Reset Jerusalem Business Blog Book Club

We can have a book club right on this blog. 

So the first book I suggest is this one:  COVID 19 - The Great Reset. 

I saw it on a Far Right newsletter and they had bad things to say about it, but I think that we should be informed and make our own decisions.  

I read the introduction and I have to add 

The main idea is that epidemics have changed the flow of history and the way that we live throughout the ages.  It even goes back to Ancient Rome, but I would even go further and say that the Pelponesian  war's outcome was changed by a plague that killed the defenders of Athens and let the Spartan win. This in change left Greece weak and easy pickings for Phillip of Macedonia to take over, which after he was assisnated by a body guard, Alexander took over starting his empire.   

(I teach history on-line  )

You can download the book from this link on Amazon, and we can discuss this in the comment section below.  

Happy Reading!!

Rachael Alice Orbach 

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