Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jerusalem Schools open today at 10:00am!

Because of the lack of snow in Jerusalem, as compared with last year, the municipality has ordered schools to open today.
 The major problem, however is the "hasaot." It seems that they are not running so in effect if you want to drive your child to school, be prepared to pick up as well. 
I also called my child's teacher, at 8:30am, to find out if the school will open, and now an hour later, she hasn't called back.  So, I'm not send my child to school today.   

What about you?  Are you sending your child to school?  I remember a while back in 
2006 that the schools were open, but only 12 of 600 students in the school showed up, and none from my 9th grade English class.  I had to get my husband to come and pick me up as I don't know how to drive in the snow.  

Now it is hailing.  Better to stay home and dry.  I think that the markets are probably open, so no worries about food this time around! 

It might snow again tonight, so make sure you have enough food, and if you need medications, get them today! 

Rachael Alice Orbach

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