Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where is the Money?

I had a client ask me the other day, "Where is the money?"
That is an excellent question.  We all want more money and we want it now to fall from the sky.
We don't like to work, and when we work, we are always thinking of what else we could be
doing instead of working.

Part of the answer is that we have to be kinder to ourselves. We need to have a good relationship
with our money and treat it correctly.  This might be hard advice, we are used to using money to
get what we want any time we want. There is a new CD that just came out, the newest app you could
download for my iphone, the newest gadget, a robot that will polish the floor, all these are there in
the marketplace to entice the mind.  Think of money as your friend who helps you  all the time.  Keep some extra cash in your wallet and when you open your wallet to pay for something, think loving thoughts toward yourself and the cash that is in your wallet.

If you really like to buy the latest, then budget the money into your monthly expenses. What?  You don't have
a budget?  Well this is the time to plan one.  Especially with the big Passover holiday coming quicker than ever!

If you find that there is more month at the end of the money, then look at your work situation.  If you have a salaried job, can you supplement with working a a free-lancer for two hour more per day?
If you are self-employed, then look at how much you are earning per hour.  Is there someway that you
can supplement this?  Raise your hourly rate? Are you advertising enough?  Even in these days of the Internet, you still have to do the footwork and go out and do physical advertising.  Maybe newspaper advertising will help, or printing up flyers and distributing them into people's mailboxes?  Posting flyers in each apartment building in your area?   If you are doing enough advertising and you still don't have enough business,  then think carefully about your profession, is it really earning you enough?  Can you take a course in a different, complementary profession to help you fill up the hours that you are not earning anything?

The time jump start your business is always now.  Yes, right now.  Start with these steps that I've outlined.
Go to it!  If you need personal help, then contact me and set up a free introductory session!

Have a Happy Pesach!

Rachael Orbach

Rachael Orbach Certified Master Life Coach - American University of NLP Certified Master NLP Practitioner - American University of NLP B.A.- UCLA Los Angeles Blog: Skype: life-coach-jerusalem 052-750-0608

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