Friday, February 24, 2012

Do I need to support Dad? - Parshat Terumah - Shabbat Shalom from the OU


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Jewish Ethicist: Do I need to support Dad?
By Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir
My father has a very low income, so I send him money each month even though it is a hardship for me. But he lives in a very valuable house and he has announced his decision to leave his entire estate to his wife (not my mother).

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Celebrate EL AL's 50th Anniversary - Feb 29, 5:30 PM, New York, NY - Complimentary cocktails $ reception
Featured Articles: Parenting, Food, Kosher, Health
"Giving and Taking" - Terumah
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

It is something I have noticed just about every election year, and I am always taken aback by it. This year was no different.

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They May Not Listen, But They Hear Everything
By Chana Mayefsky

Why your children - for better or for worse - are just like you. (And how to make sure it's "for better.")

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Rabbi BurgContraception v. Freedom of Religion: What's the Fundamental Issue?
Rabbi Steve Burg appeared on Shalom TV,
please click here to see what he has to say.
Substance Abuse Two: Lock Your Medicine Cabinets
By Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Because more than 1,000 common products are potential inhalants that can kill even on the first use.

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Your Guide to Delicious Hamantaschen
By Norene Gilletz

From the dough to the filling, this is your Purim cookie one-stop shop.

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Topics in Maintaining a Kosher Home - Part I: Utensils and Appliances (Audio)
By Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell

Meat and milk are kept separate in a kosher kitchen - I even use separate sets of silverware and plates! But do I need two stoves, two ovens, and two fridges?

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Three Minute Parenting: But Do You Really Want To? (Video)
By Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich

Your kids know the answer. And the answer makes all the difference.

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If It's Calorie-Free, Why Am I Gaining Weight?
By Alan Freishtat

The sugar substitute conundrum.

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Staying Spiritually Balanced
By Rabbi Pesach Sommer

The lessons of knee pain.

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We want to know what you want to know about

OU Kosher is collecting your frequently asked questions about Kosher for Passover for an upcoming article in our Passover guide. Have a question you'd like to submit?
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*Please do not ask about any brand name products.

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Passover product directory, FAQs and more
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Order purim Baskets for your friends & familis in Israel
Find the perfect NCSY Summer Program for your child or grandchild
Become a Fan of OU Kosher on FacebookListen Now - The RAV in his own voice
Shabbat Shalom welcomes your submissions. If you have personal essays, reflections, travel stories or other anecdotes, please share them with our editorial staff for review. Please send your submissions to
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Torah Tidbits Audio
Phil Chernofsky is the educational director of the OU Israel Center and the editor of Torah Tidbits, the Center's weekly Torah publication distributed throughout Israel.
The Coming Week's Daf Yomi by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim (original ideas) of Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, as published in the Hebrew version of the Steinsaltz Edition of the Talmud.

Masechet Temurah - 9a-15b

Dvar Torah by Britain's Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
The Architecture of Holiness

OU Kosher:

 OU Events:

The Sandwich Generation: Young Israel of Holliswood
February 25, 2012
Do you find yourself "sandwiched" between responsibilities as a parent, or a family member, and your obligation for Kibud Av Va'Em? The Sandwich Generation is increasingly experiencing a new set of challenges, which previous generations did not face. Join the Orthodox Union and the Young Israel of Holliswood on February 25th, 2012 to help prepare and successfully navigate the many challenges and commitments on a communal level.

Everybody Knows Somebody: Food, Body Image, and Eating Disorders in the Frum Community
February 26, 2012
The Orthodox Union, in collaboration with NCSY, MASK, and the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) will be having a communal program on Food, Body Image, and Eating Disorders in the Frum Community on Sunday, February 26, 2012 at the Young Israel of Midwood (1694 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, NY) Registration begins at 9:00AM. This FREE, communal program is open to both men and women. Register Online!

OU Press Live Webcast - We're Missing the Point
February 29, 2012
Join Rabbi Gidon Rothstein for an OU Press Webcast on Feb 29 at 1:30 PM. Rabbi Rothstein is the author of the newly published, highly acclaimed We're Missing the Point: What's Wrong with the Orthodox Jewish Community and How to Fix It, published by the OU Press.

EL AL 50th Anniversary Celebration Reception
February 29, 2012
The Orthodox Union invites you to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of EL AL's first non-stop flight from New York!

Singles Connection Pre-Purim Shabbaton
March 02, 2012
The Orthodox Union Singles Connection is holding a Pre-Purim Shabbaton on Shabbos Zachor, Parshas Tetzaveh, March 2-3, 2012 in the Monsey/Wesley Hills, NY area. Enjoy a warm, vibrant Shabbat in the relaxed Wesley Hills atmosphere. Applications are currently being accepted . Applications before February 16th are $100 and after the 16th the price goes up to $125, space permitting.

Parshat Terumah
2 Adar 5772
February 24-25, 2012


Melachim I 5:26-6:13

Special Day this Week:
Rosh Chodesh Adar is celebrated Thursday-Friday, February 23-24.
Candlelighting Times and Zmanim
Important Changes to Zmanim Calculations
Holiday Calendar

Rabbi Rosner on Sefer HaMitzvos

myKaddish - Your guide to loss and mourning in the Jewish tradition

Your #1 Cell Phone in Israel - Talk 'n' Save

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Terumah - Reading the Torah Portion with Targum
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 Clarinet for sale, Great for beginning students. Plays well, has been checked by a tech.   Made by Bundy, made in America Plays in tune, ju...