Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Strike by Municipality workers

Today is the second day of the strike by the Municipality workers.  Has the strike affected you?
I was an English teacher during the long two month strike of the teachers a few years ago.  Did you know
that the teachers were not paid during the time that they didn't work?  I had two and a half months of
no money coming in.  The Israeli unions do not offer any type of  monetary support for striking workers.
Each day I had to listen to the radio to find out if I could go into work.   After the long strike, what did I see
in my paycheck?  Oh, about 20-30 NIS a month.  It did not make up for the lost work, and the loss of
learning time for my students.  There was no support from the school or the English coordinator to
help the students make up work.

So, I do not support strikes, as a worker at all.  I am not striking even though I give classes at the
local community center, Beit Roos.

There has to be a better way to help the municipality get more money than hurting all of the workers.
Most people live from paycheck to paycheck and when they are forced to strike there will be no paycheck
for the strike days. .

Elect a mayor who is from the people, a person who really works for a living.  One who really knows how
it is to live like you and me.  Then the face of government will change.  Make political office be an honor
instead of a feed trough.

Because I want to help you make it in Jerusalem, I have some information that might be useful to you.

1. Have you ever had the zipper head on your heavy winter coat break off?  I have had to throw away countless kids coats because of a broken zipper head.  So, I found a place to replace this zipper head for the price of . . . wait for it. . . 3 NIS!!!!  Yes, that's the price.  Ok, now the problem is to find it.
The store is  only open from 5:00pm - 9:00pm Sunday - Thursday at Givat Shaul 17 entrance ג
Phone numbers: 02-652-7832  054-843-8125   I have already replaced zippers on 3 coats!

2. I first thought that this was a joke, because I first found this in a school text that I taught in class.
But no it is actually real.  If you find a snake in your house, don't panic or scream.  Call the snake catcher any time of day or night for snakes or scorpions.    Meir Goldsmith 054-439-9649 He's based in Beit Shemesh.

3. Givat Shaul Picture Book Gemach.  English picture books for lending. Each book 5 NIS per month.  Also available some English novels, and English Jewish books for older kids.  call Rachael, yes, this is my gemach at 052-750-0608.

4.  One bedroom apartment for rent in Nachlaot. Ground Floor, Private Entrance, available immediately.
Newly painted and unfurnished, high ceilings.   Great location in the Center of Nachlaot, close to the shuk.  4000NIS a month, contract until August.  Call Hana at 052-619-3200 or Rachael 052-750-0608 to see the apartment.  

Rachael Orbach Certified Master Life Coach - American University of NLP
Certified Master NLP Practitioner - American University of NLP
B.A.- UCLA Los Angeles Blog:
Skype: life-coach-jerusalem 052-750-0608

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